Wednesday, March 3, 2010

9 Months

LOVE this girl!

Diem still looks like Bret, but apparently her personality is just like mine as a baby. At least she got something from me.
Stats: 19 lbs 2 oz 58%, 29 in. 92%
She is thinning out because she has the army crawl down and is always on the move. It is so sad watching the rolls on her thighs disappear.
Things she likes:
~eating whatever we give her
~playing: peek a boo, hide and go seek, and with anything that is not a toy
~kissing her face in the mirror
~screaming with joy
~laughing - seriously the best sound ever
~standing/walking with help
~ being outside- we have some serious spring fever around here

Diem is so adorable and fun. We love her.


Emily said...

I will take Diem's wardrobe in a size medium-large Thanks!

scharee said...

I feel for you. When Cole went from roly poly coley to skinny toddler it was so sad. Hopefully Diem will be the first grandchild to keep a bum! Otherwise be prepared for perma-crack.
And from what I can see in the pics she's not the only one thinning out. {I feel a little like a creepy internet predator telling you how good you're looking...but it's true!}

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

I am excited to get our little ones together. She is such a doll.

One of Holden's favorite things is "giving loves" to little girls he has never met before...

Lock up your daughter!

Becky said...

I love that outfit with the grey ruffly shirt, so darling!