Friday, January 1, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Diem's 1st Christmas highlights:
~Turning 7 months
~Playing with aunts, uncles and cousins
~Meeting Macy
~Berit and a yellow ballon-Diem found this combination hilarious
~Skipping naps
~Being spoiled by grandparents
~Wrapping paper
~Being the cutest Christmas baby


Emily said...

Is that Santa Claus or Grandpa Chipman holding Diem?:) Glad you had a good Christmas, Diem just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

Posh Ideas said...

Christmas gets better and better every year with the kiddos!

Natalie said...

she is so very cute- looks like a party with the bergstroms!- and thank you for not posting any unattractive pictures of your dear friend:)

Sara Ann said...

Cute pictures Cat! I love that little Diem, she is such a cutie. Let's get together again soon :)

J.T. Bergstrom said...

I assume that you're claim to "cutest Christmas baby" applies only to the Chipman side of the family, because on the Bergstrom side it was a tie. I'd hate for my baby and your baby to have to fight it out. Macy pulls hair; Diem has hair. You do the math.