Sunday, July 12, 2009

After a 10 month hiatus from running I'm ready to rejoin the club. I know it won't be easy, but I'm going to give it my all. Hopefully my new running accessories will make things easier and less painful.

1. The BOB.

What a wonderful invention!
Thanks Mom and Dad. I love the orange.

2. New NB shoes

A must have and even better when they're 70% off retail.
Thanks again Mom.

3. An over the shoulder boulder holder aka the bullet proof vest.

Need I say more.

Now onto the important stuff new pictures of Diem.


Natalie said...

my parents said they saw you out running last saturday! go you- diem is so darn cute! i'm sad you're going to miss the canyon, but really happy you're going to cali, actually i guess jealous would be a more accurate word... have fun!!

scharee said...

do you want a list of all of them or just the one's i liked?;)

cbleeflang said...

How goes the running? I can't even run and I haven't been pregnant or just had a baby.