Friday, September 11, 2009

Dear McCall: we miss you

Two weeks in McCall is never enough. It is such a peaceful place. It was a little cold this year, but it made for some nice water. Which Bret was able to take advantage of. Me on the other hand... let's just say my postpartum body was not up for it. The picture below is why we love this place, it is noon and there is not a bump in sight.

Diem's first weenie roast. Many more to come. I can't wait until next year when she well be playing in the lake and eating sand-yum.

1 comment:

scharee said...

that water does look pretty good right's going to be a killer if I can't ski next year. i'll have to get some of the "family" pictures from you when we are in st george. well, maybe they are actually so bad i don't!:)